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The professional learning module (PLM), Restorative Practices, is an introduction to a positive, research-based alternative to traditional punitive discipline systems. It was created to support all educational personnel in learning how to educate students using research-based practices to improve behavior. By using communication, circles, and coaching, or what we refer to as the 3 Cs, teachers create relationships, establish rapport, and build emotional resistance. The user will interact with the content through reading, website resources, and creating visuals. Through multimodal content interaction, we are hopeful that you will understand the “what, when, why, and how” of Restorative Practices.

About the Learning Module: About


The goals and objectives of this professional learning module are in alignment with the
Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS), as outlined below.

GOAL #1:
Participants will build awareness of the growing social science, Restorative Practices.

  • Domain II, function a: Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning

  • Domain III, function h: Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning

GOAL #2:
Participants will understand that Restorative Practices are a research-based, positive alternative to traditional, punitive classroom/school discipline systems.

  • Domain IV, function f: Promotes instructional strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruction

  • Domain V, function a: Shares information with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and national trends and policies can impact classroom practices and expectations for student learning

GOAL #3:
Participants will acknowledge the benefits of implementing Restorative Practices in classrooms and in schools.

  • Domain III, function h: Uses information about emerging education, economic, and social trends in planning and facilitating professional learning 


Participants will be able to express initial thoughts about Restorative Practices based on the perspectives and resources presented in the learning module. 

  • Domain II, function d: Identifies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collaborative and differentiated professional learning

Participants will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of Restorative Circles, Growth Mindset, Grit, and Self-Compassion as they pertain to Restorative Practices.

  • Domain II, function a: Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning

  • Domain IV, function c: Supports colleagues' individual and collective reflection and professional growth by serving in roles such as mentor, coach, and content facilitator

Participants will be able to apply a knowledge of Restorative Practices in a wrap-up scenario and two-part assessment.

  • Domain II, function a: Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve student learning

  • Domain VII: Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom

About the Learning Module: List


The learning cycle featured in this module is based on the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013) ( and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues

(National Research Council, 2000).

Click HERE to download our Terms of Use, the PLM description, and the list of resources

utilized in the design of this module. 

About the Learning Module: Text
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