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Exploring Research & Building Capacity

Communication: News

Follow the link below to explore the 7 Principles of Communication and

reflect on what you have learned.


**Allow 15 minutes to read the article.**

Explore The 7 Principles of Restorative Communication 


Restorative Communication can be informal or formal. Informal restorative communication involves "I" statements, problem-solving, or a "restorative chat" (Thornsborne & Blood, 2013, p. 40). Formal restorative communication involves restorative circles. You will explore restorative circles later in this module.

Girls in the Library

To assist your understanding of using restorative communication, read the questions below prior to watching the video, "Restorative Practices to Resolve Conflict/Build Relationships." Record your answers to the questions below on the MODULE WORKSHEET.


**Allow 30 minutes to complete this page of the module.** 


1. Think of a time where you have handled a discipline issue. How could you have used Restorative Practices to improve the relationships?


2. Share Katy Hutchison's story with a colleague. Write about your reflections of her story.

Communication: Quote
Communication: Video


Stretch, Get a Drink, Talk to a Colleague or Go For a Short Walk

Communication: Quote
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