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Exploring Research and Building Capacity

Circles: News


Circles can be used for pro-active solutions or as reactive solutions. As a pro-active solution, the teacher is just "checking in or out" (Costello et al., 2010, p. 37). As a reactive solution, the teacher may require a restorative circle (Costello et al., 2010).

  • Teacher dialogue for "checking in or out" may sound like this:

    • "How do you think we could have handled that conflict better?"

    • "I'm proud of the way you supported your classmates today! What did you notice that went well?"

  • Restorative Circles are imperative when misbehavior has occurred, such as vandalizing the class bathroom, which affects the entire classroom. This situation would elicit a circle to discuss what happened when it happened, why we feel the way we do about it, and how we can solve the issue.


To assist your understanding of using circles when implementing Restorative Practices, watch "Restorative Circles, Part 1: What, When, & Why." As you are learning, pause the video at the appropriate timestamp to allow time for recording your answers to the questions below on the MODULE WORKSHEET.


**Allow 45 minutes to complete this activity.** 


1. In your opinion, does punitive discipline (i.e. detentions, ISS, OSS, etc.) remedy or prevent poor behavior?

Why or why not? (8:44)


2. Should students have a voice in helping to resolve disciplinary issues in schools? (12:50)


3. Based on what you have learned so far, how could circles benefit your classroom and school? (18:10)


4. How can circles be used to resolve issues amongst staff and improve the culture on your campus? (21:05)

Circles: Text
Circles: Video


To assist your understanding of using circles when implementing Restorative Justice, watch "Restorative Circles, Part 2: How." As you are learning, pause the video at the appropriate timestamp to allow time for recording your answers to the questions below on the MODULE WORKSHEET.


**Allow at least one hour to complete this activity.** 


1. How will you introduce circles to your students? (3:28)


2. How can you use a dialogue circle to support your classroom management? (7:27)


3. Do you see weekly community circles creating a positive culture in your class and school? Why or Why not? (16:53)


4. How can you use problem-solving circles to find solutions to challenges that arise

in your classroom and school? (24:45)


5. How do you see welcome and re-entry circles being used to support students as they return back to your classroom and school from ISS/OSS or alternative placement? (38:32)

Circles: Text
Circles: Video

Stretch, Get a Drink, Talk to a Colleague or Go For a Short Walk

Circles: Quote
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